Frankfort witnessed its very own version of the parting of the red sea today as mothers, teachers, and advocates for autism flooded the capital(all wearing red). Our very own versions of Moses, struggling mothers simply trying to get their tired voices heard, came forward once again to plead with close to thirty of our house and senate members to pass an Autism Insurance Reform Bill. This bill, that many states have already passed, will help cover the outrageous costs it takes to treat this disease(which, contrary to popular belief, is treatable…I’ve seen it). Since my platform is autism awareness(because of my three autistic first cousins and my families struggle with autism) I joined this movement long ago. However, it is days like today that remind yet again of the joy of helping others and of the opportunity and responsibility I have to serve this year. More to come on that. Photo above of myself along with testimony leaders Lorri Unumb(with Autism Speaks), Anne Gregory, and others devoted to this cause.

Last night was my final princess night and my last stand against the battle not to eat the new chick-fil-a peach milkshake. I lost that battle last night. Sorry dad.
And I’ll leave you with my second grade yearbook photo…as a snapshot of proof that natural beauty so does not exist and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. See ya.
P.S. Happy Birthday Richie Farmer…
Mallory, you've always been adorable–even in the 2nd grade glasses.
YES!!!!! Your dad sent me that picture this morning- one of my favorites!