When traveling with Ford and Shepherd, we are always trying to make it as simple and easy as possible. We have been able to perfect some of our practices over the years. Today, I wanted to share my tips and tricks for traveling with toddlers!
Always be prepared. Somehow kids end up finding the filthiest, germ covered items when traveling. Always keep sanitizing wipes close by. Always.
Leave your expectations at home. When we are getting ready to travel, we try to reflect on past trips and even trips from when I was younger and how they went. I do this so that I can remind myself that not everything is going to be perfect, but it wasn’t always then either and we made the best memories.
Pack an extra outfit. The boys are mess magnets and we just let them be kids. Whether its grease from climbing underneath the chairs, cheeto dust covering their entire outfit, or the inevitable bathroom blowout for the younger ones, there is always a reason to pack an extra set of clothes or two.
Packing cubes are a necessity. I like to be organized when traveling no matter what, but when you’ve got multiple kids running around and need to find something at the bottom of a suitcase, it’s a nightmare. We use packing cubes when traveling to ensure we are organized and can find whatever we need in no time. We just take them out of the suitcase and put them straight into the drawers unzipped when we arrive for easy access.
Talk to your kiddos about the trip. We talk to Ford and Shepherd about where we are going and get them pumped up. So much of kid’s experience with things are from how we experience it and our reaction to that. So it’s important to pump them up and be excited about the little things.
Don’t miss naps. This is big. Kids need their sleep especially on vacation.
Prepare for pressure. Little kids aren’t quite accustomed to the pressure that can occur to their ears when taking off or landing in a plane. Snack and drink away so they will keep their jaw moving and relieve any discomfort.
Take a stroll. Sometimes kids just need to move. Taking a few trips up and down the aisle might just be enough to wear them out a bit.
Rotate those toys out. Be prepared for your child to get tired of one, two, or three of the games you brought on board. Keep rotating them out to keep him or her engaged and occupied. Also there is the iPad…
Burn off some energy at the airport. While you can still freely move about, find some open space and let your kids play. They will not only wear out their energy pre plane, but be able to get some moving in while still on the ground.
Leave early and be prepared. When it comes to traveling with family, I always try to have extra time when arriving at the airport with kids. By myself you can count on me being there 45 minutes before…I blame it on years of The Amazing Race. .
Pre-Book everything. Y’all I’m not really a planner. I’m super fly by the seat of my pants in real life but this trip, we pre-booked our meals and plans and it was the most ideal situation because this area is so busy. Being prepared by booking ahead will allow you freedom in a weird way.
Snacks are your best friend. Kid’s will love playing with toys, but there is nothing like giving them a snack to distract them while traveling. I’ll share our snack list and shopping list in the next post.
Have fun! Remember, traveling is just one part of your entire vacation. Enjoy, make tons of memories, and laugh off the little things.