A trip around the sun for our precious little Sunday. It is so wild how fast a year passes. There is nothing I love more than a 1st birthday, and I go BIG for 1st birthday parties! Having the brightest and happiest party on Earth only seemed fitting for our Sunshine Queen. Every detail was perfection and made the day so special. It was a Sunday Summer Sunshine dreammmmm come true! I wanted our friends and family to feel joy from the time they walked in until the time they left because that’s exactly how our Sunday makes us feel. She is truly the light of our lives!

Sunday is a yellow girl foreverrrr. I wanted her party to scream happiness and having a sunny yellow theme did just that. I wore this Zimmerman dress (linked here) and Sunday wore this sweet dress from Maisonette (linked here). With all the yellows, pinks, oranges, and overall sunny vibe, it was impossible not to soak up the sunshine. I said it before and I’ll say it again — Every. Detail. Was. Perfect!!!

We cannot believe our little GIRL is 1!!! I could not have dreamed of a more perfect day to celebrate our tiny queeeen. We had the best time celebrating with our friends and family. We love you so much Sunday Blaise! Happy 1st Birthday!

I’m so grateful we were even able to throw a party like this. It was such a dream come true. I love supporting and sharing local vendors and all the ones we used were above and beyonddddddd! Without every one of them, the day would not have been what it was. Here are all of the ones we used:

Design & Styling | Gramercy & Grace | @gramercygrace on Instagram | www.gramercygrace.com
Photography | Lydia Stubbs Gritters | @theblondelyway on Instagram | www.theblondelyway.com
Custom Rentals | Please Be Seated Rentals | @pleasebeseatedrentals on Instagram | www.pleasebeseated.com
Pop Up | Stoney Clover Lane | @stoneyclover on Instagram | www.stoneycloverlane.com
Balloons | Swanky Balloon Co. | @swankyballoonco on Instagram | www.swankyballoon.com
Bespoke Treat Carts | Twisted For Sugar | @twistedforsugarnashville on Instagram | Event Intake Form
Acrylic & Signage | Magic Factory Events | @magicfactoryevents on Instagram | www.themagicfactoryevents.com
Mocktails | Cocktail & Key | @cocktailandkey on Instagram | www.cocktailandkey.com
Sugar Cookies & Macarons | The Sugary Cookie | @thesugarycookie on Instagram | www.thesugarycookie.com
Cake | Sweets By Haley | @sweetsbyhaley on Instagram | www.sweetsbyhaley.com
Bounce House & Bubble | The Vlanca House | @vlancahousenashville on Instagram | www.thevlancahouse.com
Soft Play | All Smilez | @allsmileznashville on Instagram | Event Intake Form
Florals | Gramercy & Grace | @gramercygrace on Instagram | www.gramercygrace.com
Linens | BBJ La Tavola | @bbjlatavola on Instagram | www.bbjlatavola.com
Embroidery | The Tilly Goose | @thetillygoose on Instagram | www.thetillygoose.com
Food Truck | Nashville Chicken and Waffles | @nashvillechickenandwaffles on Instagram | www.nashvillechickenandwaffles.com