‘Tis the season for holiday gifting! I absolutely love coming up with fun gift ideas for the special people in our lives. Y’all know we absolutely adore teachers over here, and we always put together these fun gift baskets filled with goodies for Ford and Shepherd’s teachers. I of course put in some items from Living Fully Co. and In My Sundays, like pajamas, a sweatshirt, headband, notebook, and hat! Then, I added in a beautiful winter candle from Jennifer Reid, a gift card to the local bookstore, some amazing laundry detergent, and a little sweet treat! We made some peppermint bark and Christmas Crack! I’ll share the recipe’s below!

Peppermint Bark Recipe
8 oz white chocolate for melting
8 oz semi sweet chocolate for melting
Peppermint extract
Candy canes for crushing on top
Cooking sheet
Parchment paper
The How To’s
- Line your pan with parchment paper.
- Melt the chocolate with 1/2 teaspoon of oil in the microwave until it is smooth (stir every 30 seconds or so).
- Pour it onto the pan evenly over the parchment paper.
- Wait 15 minutes for it to cool off.
- Take the white chocolate and add a 1/2 teaspoon of oil to it and melt until it is all smooth (stir every 30 seconds or so).
- Add in the 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract to the white chocolate and stir well.
- Pour the white chocolate on top of the chocolate evenly.
- Then, take your candy canes and crush them well! Layer on top of the peppermint bark!
- You could also make this more layers if you choose, totally up to your preference!
- To finish, we put the peppermint bark into little bags and tied them with a bow for our teacher baskets.

I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe got a little inspiration for the teachers in your life too!