Well, just incase you’ve been completely MIA with all my content the past 6 months, we got married June 3 in the most gorgeous wedding in Nashville!! Which is why I was missing from the blog for so long. And drumroll……we’re expecting a precious baby in late April! Big Mama likes to move fast in […]
Y’all, CoolSculpting is a miracle. I really can’t get over how incredibly well it’s working. I went back to Dr. Biesman’s office for a check in before the final result is revealed and I can’t believe the results. At the first check in I noticed the depuffing. I really felt like my stomach looked […]
You know when you take a bite of something healthy and you’re like NOOOOOO WAYYYYYYY. No way this is good for me because it tastes too good. Well I’ve got a treat for you. This recipe is inspired by my sweet friend Alex White who has an incredible Nashville Company called Milk and Honey Food […]
After my initial CoolSculpting treatment, I left Dr Biesman’s office feeling very hopeful that my results were going to be amazing. After my initial treatments, I had some swelling that lasted about a week and some tenderness in certain areas. That faded, but some spots became itchy instead. Other than that, there was really no down […]
So Valentines Day…you and I both know the pressure is on. The expectations can be so dang high sometimes that you just want to throw in the towel and order a heart shaped pizza(which isn’t a bad thing). So this year I decided to do a little post on how to make Valentines Day a […]
Ok, so this day is BIG. Be sure you don’t miss out on HUGE stewed sales today through next Monday Cyber Monday. So many of my absolute favorite sites are hugely discounted! Here my top 6 favorites…click the bolded link to go to the site with the SALESSSS!! And hurry! ASOS So many great basics […]
…because in case you haven’t seen all my social media posts lately I GOT ENGAGED!! To the man of my dreams. I’m over the moon and all the planets about it and have begun a bridal series on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE. Please subscribe if you haven’t. So between my youtube channel growing like a […]
Do you find yourself in a bit of a predicament this time of year? You’re a teacher, or a parent, or just a plain ole grown woman who’s not trying to be a sexy kitten or Elsa this Halloween season. Well, I feel ya. Actually I don’t, what am I talking about? I totally find […]
Shirt: Rails // Puppy: Louis // Popcicle: Pineapple (duh) // Bracelet: David Yurman Hey can I borrow your puppy is a bold move, but one I knew I had to make for this perfect union of Ps. And if I didn’t find the most precious baby puppy in the world. Meet Louis. My new friend. […]