In today’s episode, I continue this mini-series with a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. Legacy has been a bit of an obsession in my family, and I will be talking about it in a different way for you today. We tend not to think about legacy until someone has died […]
Sometimes you’ll hear someone come on this podcast that has overcome some really tough struggles, and Jana Kramer and her husband, Mike Caussin, definitely fall into this category. They join me today to open up about their extremely difficult struggle—that they went through in a very public way—and how they dealt with it, grew from […]
Today I am going to be answering questions I have seen pop up over and over again on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. I love hearing from y’all, and it is important to me to be able to help you learn from the struggles I have gone through in my life, so I’m excited for this […]