
October 21, 2021

I love all things holiday and these kid’s favorites are no different.  They’re a lot order carisoprodol easier than actual baking, but they’re  also a little more artistic, which is why I love making these with my kids, and my little pumpkins sure do love eating them! Mummmy Nutter Butters Directions: In a small bowl […]

October 18, 2021

Nothing hits the spot more than a warm bowl of soup on a chilly day.  And the three I’m about to share with you today taste pretty cozy (yes, cozy can be a taste!).  They are the actual embodiment of fall buy soma online usa in a bowl.  And the best part is, none of […]

October 14, 2021

I know y’all already know this but I cannot stress it enough.  I. LOVE. FALL.  I especially love making fall themed treats!  In my last post we went over the savory, but now we’re gonna talk about the good stuff. The sweets! Most sweets are good, but this fall sweet is so decadent and fun […]

October 6, 2021

There is nothing that brings out Shep’s true spirit more than the ZOO! On any given day he can be heard roaring like a lion or growling the words to Happy Birthday like a bear. That is why we chose the fun filled Nashville Zoo for his second birthday! Decor For this party we chose two […]

October 5, 2021

It’s fall y’all!! Fall is probably one of my favorite seasons. I love watching the leaves change, feeling the crisp air, and of course it wouldn’t be complete without pumpkin everything. Fall in itself is great, but something about fall in Nashville just adds a little something extra to the magic. There’s so much to see and so many events going on this time of year, so I’ve put together a few of my favorites. There’s something for everyone here, whether you’re looking for family fun, a date night, or just something different to do I’ve got you covered. Nashville locals and visitors alike are sure to enjoy my must-do fall events.

September 23, 2021

With every season change there comes a sense of refresh and renew.  But fall has always felt a little different.  It doesn’t have the same anticipation as spring or summer.  After all, we know winter is coming and the colder months can be a bit bleak.  But we don’t have to view this change as […]

August 28, 2021

BEST TRIP EVER! I know I may have felt that way before, but this trip replenished my soul. There was something for everyone this time. I’ve been coming to this area for 30 years so believe me when I tell you I know how to do a mountain vacation…even with KIDS! We were able to […]

July 14, 2021

Hey friends! Can you believe it’s that time again? The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is my favorite time to stock up on items for the whole family. Whether it be a new suit for Kyle, beauty exclusives or even gifts for my parents… there is something for everyone! This sale is so fun for me and […]

June 24, 2021

When traveling with Ford and Shepherd, we are always trying to make it as simple and easy as possible. We have been able to perfect some of our practices over the years. Today, I wanted to share my tips and tricks for traveling with toddlers!  Always be prepared. Somehow kids end up finding the filthiest, germ […]

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I'm a small town, Kentucky girl who has experienced a lot of life from Miss America to the Amazing Race. And I'm here to share with you the best of what I've learned on this unique journey.

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